Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Are you their mom??? 5/23/07

I got my first official 'are you their mom?' question the other day at the play area in the mall. I little girl, about 5 or 6 came up and said, "These two boys. Are you their mom?" She was very troubled. Here was the discussion:
Me: I am
Little girl: Well how are you their mom 'cuz their skin is brown and yours isn't?
Me: Because they're adopted. Do you know what that means?
Little girl: No
Me: Well people can become mommies and daddies in more than one way. Sometimes babies come out of their mommy's tummies and sometimes babies are born in mommy's heart.
Little girl: looked at me like I was smoking crack
Little girl's mom: Lulebelle (or whatever)! Come on!
Me: She's not bothering me. As long as you're comfortable leaving the explanation to me.
Then she rushed her daughter away. I understand that she was uncomfortable and probably embarrassed though I didn't see any need to be. Now, she should have been uncomfortable if I had responded:
Me: Well sometimes a mommy and daddy lay together in a bed and have a pillow fight, then 9 months later out pops a baby.

Of course I never would have done that, but I got quite a kick out of imagining (that's a really funny looking word when you type it) the conversation. I realize I have to do more research on how to respond to these kinds of questions, which will become even more important as the boys get older and are listening to how I respond.

I head to the doctor this afternoon to talk about my knee and what the MRI showed. I'll be taking the boys with me which might work in my favor since it might encourage the staff to get me in and get me out fast! Of course I probably won't hear a word the doctor says because I'll be too busy worrying about Kyle breaking the $500 model of the knee cap that will no doubt be at a perfect height for his little mitts to grab!

Enjoy your day!


Sue and Bob said...

I read the complete blog. Loved it. Course you know I love your writing anyway. Keep up the great work! Being a Mom is a hard job, but so rewarding.
Pics are good. This blog will let us keep up with what is going on. Thanks.

Happy Birthday Grant!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of how you handled the situation. I just sat there in shock and looked at you to see what you would say.

Happy Birthday Grant (belated).