Friday, August 17, 2007

Mission accomplished - 8/18/07

Today’s mission… find a harmonica. I’ve always wanted to play the harmonica but never had a reason to do it. I’m trying to learn that sometimes I can do things just because. I don’t always need to have a grand, forward-thinking reason. I don’t need to be scheduled to play at the opening ceremony for next year’s redneck Olympics in order to learn harmonica.

So where does anyone in their right mind go when they need something? You got it – Walmart. I’m not talking the little Walmart out in the sticks; I’m talking the super-duper, sushi-serving Walmart in the big city that should have everything. They don’t carry harmonicas. Two of the four employees I asked didn’t even know what a harmonica was (though they assured me once I educated them that no, they didn’t carry them).

Next try… Brook Mays, whose website describes them as “the oldest and largest full-line musical instrument dealer in the USA.” They don’t carry harmonicas. Huh? I wouldn’t expect them to have a massive harmonica department but for Pete’s sake how about a basic harmonica. They directed me to The Guitar Center.

I called there and confirmed that they had harmonicas. The heavy metal hold music almost swayed me from my harmonic goal, but I soldiered on. I had visions in my head of the clientele in the store. Not ugly or freakish people – just people who hear the beauty in heavy metal music. As I pulled up to the store I wondered if mine was the parking lot’s inaugural minivan, if my double stroller was the store’s first. Once in the store, I decided that both were very real possibilities.

Imagine if you will… you are in your favorite store and right through the front door comes a tortoise in a clown suit. Unless your favorite store is the souvenir shop at either the zoo or a circus, that’s going to seem a little freakish. So there I was, the freak at the guitar shop. Amid the sea of black – black shirts, black leather playing gloves, black music stands – there I was with my ponytail in a baseball cap with the USGA logo on it, a diaper bag on my shoulder and my two toddlers in the stroller. The good news is that they had the harmonica I was looking for. After explaining to Sloppy Joe (that’s actually what was on his nametag) that I didn’t want to be on their mailing list, I became the proud new owner of a harmonica.

Mission accomplished.


Cindy Garr said...

I have a vision of you joining the "Noggin" Channel playing your harmonica and singing songs that are about you and the boys...not sure if you have watched the channel but Zachary loves it...I'm bored with watching 4 forks and 4 ants for the past year....and those many times do I have to count them. You need to take on that channel and help us moms. Zachary will dance and clap if he sees you on tv!!!!

Rosiernk said...

Too funny, I have a harmonica.. I can play it, but no one but me knows what song I am playing... I wonder where my harmonica is?? I had the same whim a few years ago...... don't recall where I bought it, but it's nice to know that NOT everthing can be had at Wal Mart! They haven't taken over yet!

Tam said...

That's pretty cool. How does one learn how to play a harmonica? I've never really thought about it...