What does today hold? Well, I've been tossing and turning since 4, I've heard Kyle over the monitor in a state of semi-sleep for a half hour, and Dave and I got up to Molly's poop on the floor. Similar to the old how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, you may ask yourself, "How much poo could a yellow lab poo if a yellow lab could poo poo?" It can. The answer is alot.
And then to let you into the workings of my brain, I laid back down in bed which is when the aforementioned tongue-twister popped in my head. Then I started wondering how many words in the English language are both the noun and the verb related to itself. In other words... words that could fit into the sentence structure of the tongue twister. How wierd is that? Aside from some bodily functions (spit, for example), that is. For a moment I thought that fan would work (I was looking at the ceiling fan), but after inputting it into said tongue twister it fell flat. How much air could a ceiling fan fan (so far so good) if a ceiling fan could fan fan (it falls apart)?
See what staying home with two toddlers will do to your brain? Of course I act like I was totally sane before leaving my career, though random, obscure thoughts crossed my cerebral horizon regularly.
Is anyone reading this? People rarely comment on my blog and being generally insecure and needing not excessive but occasional reassurances that hey I'm okay, having 0 comments on the blog makes me question my entire existence. Allright, not really, but if you feel like it, please comment. I'd love to know if it's getting read and if you like it. You don't need a google account - just post as Other or Anonymous.
Enjoy your day. I'm off to rouse the short people. Hopefully all of our summer colds will be disappearing soon. Though I hear coughing on the baby monitor as I type. As much as I don't want my kids to be sick, I confess that I don't mind the extra snuggling and affection I get when they aren't feeling the best. Of course, I don't know how the day will go if I have two toddlers needing some extra mommy love. Oh well - I'll take it!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
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I crack up regularly as I read through the ramblings of your at-home-with-two-toddler-mommy brain posts. Your boys are adorable (I viewed them pre-picture removal) and I have one for you.......how much barf could a Boxer barf if a Boxer could barf barf?? Feeling your doggie pain. Have a great day!
Kelly (w/Lucas Wester)
Hi Mary Jo,
It's Beth Board Id (Elizabethbruno)from FTC...I love that post seems like my brain on some days!!!!
I love your blog and i also feel the same way no one really comments on my blog though i do comment on other people's blogs...it's all good i try to tell myself!!
If you would like an invite to my blog email me at Elizabethbruno@hotmail.com
"How much water could a watering can water if a watering can could water water?"
Great job on the Blog. You always make me laugh.
BwaHaHaHaHaHa! Yeah, my head goes in those strange, obsessive places sometimes...
I know how you feel about the comment thing. I used to worry about it, but then found out that I had regular readers out there that tell me they love my blog, but just aren't comfortable commenting for whatever reason. I also added a hit meter....LOL.
I'm so glad you posted to me on my blog. I love your story! I will definately be following!!!
You are not alone...I am here reading...not on a daily basis but I catch up quickly. I enjoy reading about your trials and tribulations. I must admit I do laugh my a** off. Zachary can say "Poo" and "Smelly Poo" so that is as close as I come since I am still pet free.
Keep the Blog a Bloggin' as I am a reader and I will try to comment so you know I am here reading and laughing.
Someday we need to get the kids together before the hit college.
Cindy (w/Zachary)
I'm not typically a commenter, but I read every day and LOVE your blog.
You know I love your blog my friend!!
Silly sally, sits and shells and shells and sits....
That's from a pink elephant card... from an old game called Pass out...
Don't ask.... it just popped into my head....
and I read your blog.... now you need to get your myspace thing going and comment me on that!
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