Monday, October 8, 2007

The potty horizon

I think that potty training Kyle is on the horizon. The only problem is that this particular horizon isn’t one I’m terribly keen on seeing just yet.

Kyle is 2 years, 2 months old. He’s long been able to tell us when his diaper needs changing and has recently realized that poop sure stinks. He seems to have some control over his bladder and will sometimes pee in his diaper when we suggest it. At bathtime just before taking off his diaper all the way, I’ll say, “Do you need to go pee pee?” and he will.

He’s showing a lot of interest in the toilet and points to it and says “pee pee” and “poo poo”, just in case I am unclear about what goes in there. He’s now in preschool (okay, it’s pre-preschool) twice a week and is seeing some of the bigger kids using the potty so that’s making him more interested, too.

So why am I dreading this? Because I know that once this starts, I become a hostage. I picture him needing (wanting) to go potty everywhere we go and at every inopportune time that arises. Then what do I do? Discourage him and hope he doesn’t pee in his pants? Try to freak him out about how nasty and dirty public restrooms are and tell him there are monsters in the toilets whose favorite snack is little boy butt cheeks? I’m thinking such an approach would have unintended consequences down the road. I don’t particularly want a germophobe who has to sleep with a flood light on because he’s so afraid of butt-cheek-eating monsters.

Kyle is very strong but he is a pretty small little guy. Any monster who bothered to bite his butt would be sorely disappointed. Is he going to lose his grip and fall in the toilet? Yes, I know I’ll be right there and sort of holding him up, but I’m only so strong. And does he have to touch the toilet seat? Oh vomit I’m going to be sick. I’m going to have to get a bigger diaperbag for all the disinfectant wipes, hand gel and toilet seat covers.

This post was very therapeutic and has helped me conclude that I am going to resist this fun as long as possible. Though I am sure there will be countless blog entries coming on the potty topic, hopefully I can drag my feet for a few more weeks!


Anonymous said...

Run from that horizon as fast as your legs will take you! As tempting as it sounds to have one out of diapers, you are right--it quickly becomes an amazing headache.

I have many times thrown myself on the mercy of the mall store employees w/a newly trained toddler at my feet crosing their legs and hopping up and down.

"But there's a potty at Sears" I say

"But I have to go NOW" say they!

Hope you are enjoying your fall.

Tam said...

BwaHaHaHaHaHa! I keep picturing you with him in a public bathroom all freaking out with the potential germs while quickly trying to sanitize everything without simultaneously turning him into Felix Unger. ROFLOL!

Yes, I CAN laugh right now because I have a long, LONG way to go before I'm there!

Rosie said...

Well now according to the news.... (of course it's always so very accurate).. toilets are cleaner than kitchen sinks.......

If by chance his butt hits one without a wipe.... he'll live.. and so will you! LOL

Poor thing.. I can this will be an issue... Maybe Katie can share her meds with you? =)