Thursday, July 5, 2007

No need to blur - 7/5/07

I'm sitting at our new desk in our bedroom. When Grant came home last November we actually thought he and Kyle would be sharing a room within a few months so we could temporarily deal with having limited access to our office area / guest room. He's been home eight months and it's clear that he and Kyle won't be sharing a bedroom anytime soon, so we're moving our stuff and actually giving Grant a room he deserves. All he does is sleep in there - all the playing and living happen in the rest of the house - so it's been easy to ignore all the junk we have in there and justify not decorating it (I know this makes many people cringe), but he deserves to have his own space.

Yesterday was the 4th of July and we mostly relaxed. We went to the pool for a whole 60 minutes before the storms moved in. We tried a new section of the pool area that winds around and the water flow kind of pushes you along. Grant loved it. Kyle liked it fine but about every two minutes a big giant 4 trillion gallon bucket dumps out and if you're in the wrong place (or the right place depending on how you look at it) when it happens it's loud and unpredictable and, well, wet. Kyle's not wild about big loud unpredictable things. I'm not sure how he tolerates me :-)

After we got the boys home and took their suits off, we let them run around naked for a few minutes, something we'd never done before. Who doesn't love the sight of little baby butt cheeks? We took a few cute pictures and I figured we could always blur the pictures to hide their little willies (highly technical medical term), but there's no need. Why? you ask? Well because neither boy would let go of himself, if you know what I mean. So basically, we got pictures of our kids touching themselves. Sigh.

Grant isn't the best napper in the afternoons even though he clearly needs one. So take a tired almost-toddler and add in his teething and the 4:30 to bedtime window becomes rather unpleasant. He's managed to find a pitch, tone and volume for his screaming that he should probably win some sort of award for. This afternoon's meltdown was super-sized and Dave almost ran screaming from the house at one point. He's the king of patience and compassion so you know if it gets to him, it's serious!

Dave was off today and I got to have some me time. This morning I went to Barnes & Noble and then Half-Price Books all by myself! Then after lunch Dave took the boys to the mall for a couple of hours. I had big plans for what I could get done with some time here by myself, but Molly (our yellow lab) came and told me that the rain on the skylight in the master bath was just too loud and scary and would I mind coming to lay down with her and Katie. So what choice did I have? As an animal lover I couldn't ignore such a request and had to snooze with the puppies as the rain hit the skylight. The sacrifices I make are truly staggering.

Mary Jo


Tam said...

Darn that dog! I feel so bad that you had to sacrifice yourself in such a manner. You are truly kind. LOL!

Anonymous said...

It's good you have some "me" time, make sure Dave gets some "Me" time also. We all need some time off now and then to rejuvanate. That guy sounds like a SAINT!!

MaryJo said...

As for Dave getting 'me' time, I didn't mention in my post that Dave worked on his remote control plane for 2 hours yesterday and flew it for an hour as well so he definitely had plenty of "me" time! I don't know if Dave is a saint, but he sure is a good father and husband. :-)

Anonymous said...

ahhh, a nap with Molly and Katie.

How precious and nice of your to sacrifice.