Monday, May 28, 2007


There aren’t enough hours in a day to read all the parenting and toddler raising books that I probably need to. The last week has had some pleasant times in it, but on the whole it’s left me wondering if I am cut out for being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). So far I don’t think I’ve screwed the kids up too bad but just give me a few more months and I’m sure I’ll make some headway!

Dave has never minimized how hard being a SAHM is, but this weekend and today especially may have given him even more appreciation. Well, that’s not really true - he is always very appreciative. But I think he’ll understand better what I mean when I say I’ve had a bad day. Kyle’s teething has never been so bad which translates into grumpy, cranky and mad. That, in turn, translates into lots of biting and hitting.

When I was wiping Grant’s hands after lunch today, I saw a red ring on his forearm. It was a very clear ring so I knew I had to make a doctor’s appointment for him – I assumed it was ring worm. But then… I realized it’s a bite mark from his loving brother. Whew! Saved me a co-pay.

Grant has taken up shrieking. Ear-piercing shrieks that scare the heck out of us, until we realize that there’s no good reason for it, then it’s just irritating! I have a feeling that yelling “GRANT” at him isn’t the recommended approach.

We took the boys to the Aquarium today and that was fun. At their ages at a place like that it's basically just pushing them around in the stroller. It was definitely an expensive walk but in a year it'll be better since they'll be older. We were there less than 2 hours and our admission was $16 each for Dave and me. I think I've gotten cheap. For that price, I fully expected to be served a snack by the hammerhead shark or personally escorted through the exhibits by a penguin. The highlight of the day is what did NOT happen... We were in the rainforest part and the boys were less than a foot away from the lady in front of us when splat! She got splattered with poop. Kind of Jackson Pollock meets the rain forest. I must say that if this ever happens to me, I hope I can be half as classy as this lady was. I'd probably let out a stream of profanities and burst into tears! I won't even think about what if the boys had gotten hit. Icky.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Sue and Bob said...

Hope this next week goes better for you. They will grow out of each phase. Just think if you were working and you had this same behavior. You would not understand it at all. It is not anything you are doing or not doing. Part of growing up. Some kids do this and some don't, I think for no apparent reason. Hang in there. What you are doing is worthwhile!!!!!!!!!!!! You are doing a good job.