Thursday, May 24, 2007

Quite a day - 5/24/07

Yesterday (5/23) was Grant’s 1st birthday. It was a good day, though fairly uneventful when you’re a 12 month old whose every day is filled with toys and exploring anyway. We’re having a family get-together for him on Saturday.

Today started out great with a play date at our friend Matthew’s house. The boys had great fun exploring all of Matthew’s cool toys, and I got to have a nice visit with Julie (his mommy). But once we got home the train just jumped the tracks and it turned into a long day. Kyle was very out of sorts. I’ve since concluded that it was the Benadryl he got last night and then at noon today (he had a bad reaction to 3 mosquito bites) as well as teething that made things worse. Making it even worse still was PMS. Not his – mine.

Poor Dave came home to me feeding the kids dinner and fighting back tears. Grant actually had a good dinner and loved his sweet potato / oatmeal concoction and the jar of veggie beef mishmash (my word, not Gerber’s). I fed Kyle something he normally loves – vegetable soup with alphabet pasta in it. He didn’t want it so I indulged in a couple rounds of “hey, how ‘bout if I give you a red spoon instead of that yellow one?” and “would you like me to pour it into a smaller bowl?” I congratulated myself in both instances with how in tune I must be to my child; that my mother’s intuition helped me realize that he was troubled by something so obscure; that I could just know what was bothering him.

You guessed it… neither solution (red spoon or smaller bowl) did the trick. Maybe he gets such a kick out of taking off his bib and putting it around his leg (which he does after we take his tray off) that he wanted to get right to it. So I took the tray away and he played with his bib and drank a ton of milk and at least let me finish feeding Grant. Daddy came home and let me have some time to myself while he got them ready for bed. (Thanks, honey)

I've discovered that since I’ve been home with the kids, I’ve become less efficient than I was before. When I was working, I could actually make a phone call or two during the day. You know the kind – calling the phone company to figure out why your bill is $15 more this month than last, calling to make a doctor’s appointment, and oh… calling the grocery store to order a birthday cake for your child whose party is day after tomorrow. These days I may start the day with great intentions but lo and behold, night falls and I still don't know why my phone bill went up. People who know me even a little bit know my tendency to beat myself up so you can imagine how I turned the above situation (not ordering Grant’s cake until the day before which technically hasn’t even happened yet but will tomorrow) into irrefutable evidence that I am a complete and utter failure as a mother. Got to work on that tendency, I know.

OH! I went to get the results of the MRI and though I do have some torn cartilage, it’s not serious enough to warrant surgery. There’s also a little bone spur or erosion but I knew about that 10 years ago. So anyway – good news about no surgery!

Good night,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am DEFINATELY less efficient than I used to be. Days just seem to disappear before you know it. HUMMMM.

Wierd our phone bill went up $15 too but Serge called and got it fixed. I think. I do remember having a conversation with him about it but dont remember the outcome??
