Sunday, May 20, 2007

When did...? - 5/20/07

Grant is almost a year old and I'm constantly trying to remember (and Dave is asking me) what Kyle was eating at this age, when did Kyle try XYZ, when did Kyle eat yogurt, what was Kyle doing at this age. Keep in mind that Kyle is only 10 months older than Grant, so it's really not that long ago when Kyle was going through every phase that Grant is. And yet I can't remember anything! I NEVER understood why my friends always said, "Oh geez, I can't remember" when I asked questions like, "When did Anna start eating bread?" I thought, "What do you mean you don't remember?!?!? You call yourself a parent?!?!?"

Now I understand! And if I can't even remember and my kids are less than a year apart, it's a wonder more of my friends didn't laugh in my face.

Dave and the boys went to a street festival today with Uncle Bobby and Aunt Gina and they had a wonderful time. It was one Dave and I took Kyle to last year. Who would have ever thought that one year later we'd be taking TWO kids?!? I couldn't go because of my knee so I stayed here and read my book and just took it easy (great book - The Known World by Edward P. Jones). As everyone knows, the best part of a festival is the junky food you can spend a fortune on, right? Since a funnel cake would have been too hard to transport, Dave got me some candied pecans - yummm!

I've been told I need to start posting pictures. Grant's crib is in the room where our main PC is so managing pictures has been next to impossible for the last several months, but I'll do my best. No promises.

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