Monday, May 21, 2007

The Joys of Boys? - 5/21/07

When I started the adoption process back in 2005, I had the option of requesting a baby girl. So many people told me that as a single woman, I really needed to adopt a girl and that it would just be too hard for a single woman to raise a boy. I did some soul-searching and decided that either gender has it's challenges and that it didn't matter. Less than two years later, I'm married with two boys. They are so sweet and cute and I just want to squeeze them all the time!

But then... I snapped this picture from outside the window. I was looking at some pictures the other day and found it. It's taken at a weird angle through a window and screen and I almost deleted it. Then I looked at what each boy was doing and thought, "Oh. My. God. It's only a matter of time before I have two boys running around the house making farting noises with their armpits (not to mention the real thing)." When I post it here it's even harder to see but in a nutshell, Grant has his face smooshed against the window licking it and Kyle has his finger in his nose. Sigh.

I wouldn't have it any other way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the blog. Great job.

Talk to you soon!
