Friday, August 10, 2007

Balance - 8/10/07

Kyle's birthday party (actually more of a small family get-together) is tomorrow and I actually managed to order the cake more than 24 hours in advance. After getting an attitude from the bakery lady in May when I ordered Grant's less than 24 hours ahead about how they have 50 cakes to be ready by Saturday morning and sigh, she just didn't know how it was all going to get done. My, "Okay, so does that mean that you can or can't do it?" snapped her out of it, but I figured I'd better behave this time.

My mom is coming today for the weekend and she hasn't seen the boys in a few weeks. She's not going to believe the changes. Kyle runs around like a monkey, jumping for no reason and smiling from ear to ear; one of his favorites is to jump up, land on his butt then fling his legs up and over his head. He's saying more understandable 'words' now which is very fun to hear. Grant is now making the signs for more and airplane and loves to give kisses.

The other trick Kyle loves to do a lap through our living room and sitting room and then fling himself onto my stomach as I lay on the floor. He has taught Grant, who isn't yet walking, to step up on top of my stomach and stand. I figure with all the extra padding (fat) my tummy has, it's bound to help develop the boys' balancing skills. I could do some crunches and get it in better shape, but then what kind of parent would I be, robbing my children of such a critical developmental skill?

Enjoy your day,
Mary Jo

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