Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Ahhhhh… it’s one of those days. After two days of almost no incidents, Kyle’s been in time-out several times today for biting and hitting. Kyle’s biting started before Grant came home last November, but it intensified and has never abated except for short bursts here and there. It’s hard to know if we’re handling the situation right but if we judge it by the results we’re not. Kyle has a very intense personality and I know that we have to find the right method of discipline that works with who he is; we just don’t know what that is yet.

I had to cancel our standing play date with Matthew tomorrow. No, the kids don’t have to stand the whole time. Grant still has a fever and I don’t want to risk getting anyone else sick. It was bad enough that Matthew got bit last week; if he got sick from us this week his mom, Julie, just might change her phone number!

Tonight is an open house for a mom’s club that I might join. I’ve only been to two of their play dates and haven’t been bowled over by the other moms. For the boys’ sake, though, I think I’ll go.

I hear Grant waking up so I’d better go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


how did you know i changed my number. just kidding.

hopefully we can get together soon!

matthew and julie