Thursday, June 7, 2007

The wave - 6/7/07

I knew it was inevitable but today it happened. Kyle bit his friend Matthew. Hard. Matthew and his mommy were over for our Thursday playdate and a few minutes before they left the boys got into it over a toy and I wasn't quick enough to stop it. It was horrifying of course, but Matthew's mom Julie understands that those things can happen when kiddos get together to play. I think she's just buttering me up in advance for the day when Matthew gives Kyle a black eye. :-)

I read an article about biting that said biting and hitting at this age are developmentally appropriate behaviors used to express frustration when the kids can't otherwise communicate. That's nice and all, but it's small comfort when your child is the most 'developmentally appropriate' kid on the block!

Grant is doing great and is now letting go of us so he can stand by himself for a fraction of a second. It's fun to watch because of the way he does it. I don't know if I can do it justice but picture this... I'm laying (or is that lying) on the floor and Grant comes up and stands next to me with his hands on my stomach (he also does this with Dave). He starts laughing and rears up with his hands in the air and then plops them back down again. Kind of like he's at a baseball game and is doing The Wave, only there's no one else doing it. It's VERY cute!

Have a great day,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord knows we are going to have a lot more......mishaps. I am just thankful you are here to share in them with me. (some one with the same discipline values etc.)

I cannot imagine the things we will learn with these boys.

EEEKKK. I dont even want to think of it.