Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Speed Bump 6/6/07

How is one day with the kids really good and then the next day definitely not? I'd love some consistency, or at least a progression so I could at least know what's coming. Dave knew I'd had a rough day and when he came home he told me to do whatever would give me a break. I called a friend and met her for dinner which I DESPERATELY needed. It was a rough day and I was fully prepared to go eat chips and hot sauce all by myself if necessary. I went to a play date this morning and the other moms were complaining about how their husbands weren't helpful or in tune with parenting and I am happy to say I can't relate. I always get a kick out of it when moms say that their husband "babysat" or "watched" the kids. I'm new to the playgroup so I didn't want to gloat about my husband, though next time I'll have to speak up!

So on to the play date... There were 3 other moms there with their kids; it was good for the boys to be in a new environment for an hour or two. I could write a whole post about the play date, but I'll skip to the ending. Keep in mind that my boys are 10 months apart at 12 and 22 months old. So when we head to the van, Kyle was walking and I was carrying Grant. We had to go in the street to get to Grant's side of the van so Kyle had to hold my hand. I've never had a problem with Kyle holding my hand before.

Well, there's a first time for everything and this morning he tried to yank his hand out of mine. I had to grip his wrist to keep hold of him and that's when he decided to go limp. I'm thinking, "Listen mister, I'll be darned if I'm going to stand here and try to negotiate with you" so I kept going, basically dragging him along. I just knew that after a couple of seconds Kyle would just snap to it and realize WOW! Mom really means business so I'd better straighten up. At which point I would congratulate myself for my astute parenting strategy.

That's not exactly what happened. He kept hanging and I kept going. I had visions of his shoulder popping out of its socket but I didn't have any other option. I then realize that Kyle is laughing and smiling, apparently having fun hanging by his arm and getting pulled along. So this didn't work exactly as I had hoped. By the time we got to the van I had to let go of his hand so I could put Grant in the van. I think letting your kid lie down on the street, even if he's perfectly safe, is an automatic 10 point deduction in the point standing for Mother-of-the-Year which will basically knock me right out of the running. By the way, Kyle thought lying on the concrete looking up was also pretty fun. Mommy's little speedbump.

Note to self... Turning Kyle into a human tetherball dangling at the end of my arm does not serve as an effective deterrent or punishment.

I wonder what great new lesson I'll learn tomorrow!
Mary Jo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have 2 words for you my friend...umbrella stroller. Seriuously, I have probably $500 worth of different types of strollers in by basement, but the one I use EVERY day and has been my savinig grace? $10 umbrella stroller from Walmart!

I keep it in the second row of the minivan and put Ava in there as soon as I get her out of her carseat. Then I stroll it over to Kate's side and get her out. Kate loves to 'help' push the stroller- but even if she didn't, she is light enough that I can carry her and push the stroller too- even with my knees if need be...yes, I know I'm talented:) I know Kyle and Kate are about the same size so this might work for you as well? The adventures of parenting huh?