Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day - 6/17/07

Happy Father's Day to Dave for being the best father our kids could ever dream of! Dave is so good at so many things - sailing, building stuff, technical things - but he was made to be a dad. The boys and I made him a stepping stone and all I can say is that next time I'll do a better job! My mom and I discovered that when you're mixing cement don't mix in too much water. My grand plans of everything that was going to be on the stepping stone quickly went up in smoke. Or should I say quickly squished into the cement. Oh well - we got the word "Dad" and the boys' handprints.

We went to my brother Mike's house yesterday for lunch. The boys loved seeing their Aunt, Uncle and cousins! Mike and Michelle's house has stairs and we have to keep a sharp eye on Kyle because there seems to be a magnet in the stairs that sucks him in. This time he was very sneaky and he plotted his strategy for over an hour. He followed me into the bathroom and when we came out I thought he turned left to where everyone was hanging out. Everyone else thought he was with me. This all happened in one split second and the little stinker had scampered up the stairs and was grinning and giggling peeking down through the rails at me. I didn't make a big deal of it because I think that will wildly increase the attraction. And honestly I knew that even the most effective scolding or discipline in the world would not have dampened his elation at his little adventure.

Dave and I went to dinner last night after the kids went to bed. We figured since they were asleep they'd be fine by themselves. Oh for Pete's sake don't be ridiculous and believe that! My mom is here and she stayed with them. We found an out-of-the-way seafood restaurant that had great food. Well, except for the appetizer which was kind of icky.

It appears that the fever Grant had was roseola. Roseola is basically a high fever for a few days then once that breaks a rash appears. It's not dangerous except the fevers can get high enough to cause febrile seizures. Fortunately Grant's never got over 103 and was mostly 101.5. I think if he had a seizure Dave and I would have one of our own. The rash Grant has is pretty mild, too. Our friend Matthew just got over roseola so we knew what to look for.

I'd better go. I think I'm supposed to be cleaning.


Anonymous said...

Hey there! I have been checking in and getting a good laugh each time. Email me so we can catch up!

Rosie said...

Where's the seasfood place???????// And I have been checking all day... nothing about the TREE?? Man... I figured you'd have a lot ot say about the TREE!!!! LOL

Now everyone wants to know about the TREE????????????? ha ha ha....

Rosie said...

OH and about leaving the kids alone.... don't worrry if they leave we hear them crying so we go over.... JUST KIDDING.. really we just call the cops.... JUST KIDDING again... =)