Thursday, June 21, 2007


I had a great day with the kids today. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary but all three of us were in good moods for the most part. Kyle caught up on sleep that I didn't know he needed. Both boys are usually awake by 7, but he slept until 8:30 this morning! Yep - 13 straight hours. Then he napped for 2.5 hours. But wow was he in a great mood! I had physical therapy this evening and was gone for just over an hour. Both boys had apparently stored up some crankiness from the day and unloaded it all on Daddy while I was gone. I got out of here just in time and came home shortly after they found their happy faces again. Sorry, Dave!

I'm guessing all parents experience this... you do something once because you think it's really cute or fun or clever and it makes the kids laugh and oh aren't you just the greatest parent ever for being so entertaining. It's happened to me many times but we're going through the tunnel phase right now. After the fifth time I've made a tunnel by covering my body with two quilts, a blanket, a dishtowel, and two hand towels, all while sticking my arms and feet in the air so the kids can go under the 'tunnel', I realize I may have made a terrible mistake. After the 40th time, I'm quite certain I have! And yet, most of the time unless I'm too hot and sweaty or have already suffocated, I give in because Kyle and Grant giggle and laugh each time as if it was the first.

I don't know what my plan is for tomorrow but we'll get out and do something. This morning's adventure was to try to find a Salvation Army thrift store so I could look through the book section. I don't know if they even have books but Goodwill does and I've already picked over their selection. I couldn't find the store so it turned into just a nice drive. This afternoon I met a friend and her son at the mall for a walk.

Enjoy your day,
Mary Jo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this tunnel!
