Monday, June 4, 2007

Lunchtime contest 6/4/07

We just got done with lunch and I must say the boys made me laugh and they made each other laugh alot. Forgive the nature of the discussion, but here goes... at least 75% of the time when Grant sits in his booster chair he poops. We call the chair the poo magnet. So we sit down and of course it becomes apparent that he's taking care of business.

So I say what I always say when somebody is pooping. Well, not Dave or any grownups but when one of the kids is. "Are you poopin'?" So then Kyle starts groaning like Grant is and before I know it they are having quite a back-and-forth with their poo groaning and contorting their faces, long after Grant is done with the real thing, and Kyle's was completely fake.

Okay, it's 5pm now and now we just got back from the 'zoo'. Translation: mommy sold out and took the boys to Petland. I've probably mentioned this before but I don't understand why people purchase animals at a pet store when there are thousands of dogs and cats just waiting in the shelters, or even from reputable breeders. But hey, it amuses the kids so what can I say. It absolutely poured when we were in there so we got stuck for about 45 minutes.

There was a baby ground squirrel in the enclosure that usually houses ferrets, and he was so freaked out. He was jumping up and down against the glass. I couldn't believe that the pet store was selling a squirrel to become someone's pet. I later found out that someone had found it abandoned and it's only there temporarily so I had to quit being all indignant and superior :-). There were signs on the enclosure asking people not to reach in and touch the squirrel because it's a new environment for him and he's adjusting and all that.

There was a lady (customer) at the bunny display holding a bunny and reminiscing about the wonderful bunny she had in her first apartment and it was litter trained and just a dream and talking all about rabbit behavior. When she felt that one person wasn't listening she turned to the next set of ears. Well, I could tell that she fashioned herself quite the Animal Whisperer. I next saw her with a big scarlet macaw on her shoulder. And round about lap 24 of Petland, she is standing at the ground squirrel's enclosure with a bleeding hand. I think she forgot to whisper to the squirrel.

Have a great day!
Mary Jo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how they can poop while sitting in a chair?!? Ava does that all the time too- while sitting in her Bumbo seat. It boggles my mind every time just wondering how that is even possible?

The "zoo" sounded like a fun trip. Probably even better than a real zoo- well, much less expensive anyway!

I'm LOVING reading your daily adventures of SAHM-hood.
